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About the Class

Line Dance Classes

Day: Tuesday

Time: 7 .00 - 8.30pm

Venue: Alvington Village Hall, Knapp Lane, Alvington, Gloucestershire GL15 6BQ

Cost: £3.50 per person per lesson (Only £1 for your first lesson!)

Level: Absolute Beginner / Beginner / Improver


Western Partner Dance Classes

Day: Tuesday

Time: 8.30- 9.30pm

Venue: Alvington Village Hall, Knapp Lane, Alvington, Gloucestershire GL15 6BQ

Cost: £5.00 per couple

Level: All abilities




Both Ashley & Rhys are B.W.D.A approved instructors  and take it in turns to teach, meaning that there is always one person at the front and one on the floor, so there is always the opportunity to see and follow what our feet are doing!!  We predominantly teach to country music as that is what we love to dance and listen to.  That doesn't mean to say that we won't teach to other styles of music too, if we like the dance, we'll teach it!


The main aim of our classes is first and foremost for everyone to have fun! We want you to walk away with a smile on your face and have had as much of a great time learning as we do teaching.  We don't subscribe to a medal or exam system, our passion lies with the social side of dancing and the numerous exciting opportunities that it has to offer all of our dancers.  In addition to this line dancing has many proven benefits, not only for your physical health, but your mental health and agility too.  For us line dance is not just a style of dance, it is a way of life and there is a huge community just waiting to welcome new dancers and share everything it has to offer.  Of course though, if you just want to join us once a week for a dance class that is also asbsolutely fine!


We welcome dancers of all levels to our classes and will always breakdown new or slightly more complicated steps, but we teach line dances that are mainly absolute beginner, beginner and improver.  Our Western Partner dance is suitable for those of all abilities and experience.

Dean Valley Linedancers
Dean Valley Linedancers

All About Us!

Dean ValleyLinedancers

Ashley Rees

I first started line dancing at 17 but had to stop when I moved away from home to go to university.  I returned to line dancing in  2016, where I met Rhys and the rest as they say is history!!

Alongside line dance, I am kept busy with my four children, tortoise, hamster, two clerk jobs and voluntary projects I'm involved with.  I love dancing to country music and regularly attend country music nights and have made a great network of friends this way.  For me line dance is not just about the classes, it really has become part of who I am!

If you see me on the dance floor please come and say hi!


Rhys Williams

My grandmother first introduced me to line dance when I was 9! Although I had an an extended break from line dance I returned in 2016 and haven't stopped since!!

In addition to line dance, animals are a huge passion of mine.  During the day I am an Animal Management Lecturer, I have (and still do!) owned a wide variety of animals from axolotls to ferrets and I'm currently expanding into wildlife photography. 

I enjoy social dancing for the people as much as the dancing.  I've made so many 'dance friends' over the last few years, whenever I travel then I am looking for somewhere to dance.  Although I mainly teach to country music, I love a good cheesy party track, which as you can imagine, makes for an entertaining evening.  I look forward to seeing you on the dance floor.

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